Improved Healthcare access: Especially in states like Assam, the rest of the 7-sisters in the North East, and across West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Odisha, hospitals and diagnostic centers often face challenges in accessing specialized radiologists for timely and accurate interpretations. SoftMedtech's Telerad Web Portal (TWP teleradiology platform) offers a ready solution to these challenges by providing:

Remote Image Interpretation: Imagine a scenario in a small clinic in rural West Bengal where a patient presents with a complex medical condition that requires urgent radiological imaging. With SoftMedtech's TWP platform, diagnostic centers can securely upload imaging studies and receive remote interpretations from experienced radiologists, ensuring prompt and accurate diagnoses for emergency patients’ cases.

24/7 Radiology Reporting Coverage: Even in remote district pockets across the above-mentioned states, where access to round-the-clock radiology services may be limited, we at SoftMedtech offer 24/7 radiology imaging and reporting coverage through our TWP reporting services. Critical cases can be promptly reviewed and reported on within 25 – 60 minutes, ensuring timely interventions and improved patient outcomes.

Quality Assurance: SoftMedtech's team of certified expert radiologists upholds the highest standards of quality and accuracy in image interpretations. Whether it's a routine study or a complex case, healthcare providers can rely on our consistent and reliable diagnoses, enhancing the overall quality of patient care.
Scalable Solutions: From bustling diagnostic centers in Kolkata to remote clinics in rural Bihar, our TWP platform offers scalable solutions to meet your diverse needs. The flexibility of our platform allows for seamless integration into your existing workflows, optimizing operational efficiency and driving better patient outcomes.

Cost-Effective Solutions: Through our cost-effective teleradiology services, we at SoftMedTech enable healthcare providers in Eastern India to optimize resource allocation, reduce overhead costs, and maximize the value of radiology services for their patients.
Empowering Healthcare Providers: A Brief Case Study
Consider a scenario at a diagnostic center in rural Bihar, where a shortage of radiologists has led to delays in reporting and treatment. By partnering with SoftMedtech, the diagnostic center gained access to a network of experienced radiologists, and finally found just the right specialist radiologist based in South India through the TWP. This not only reduced turnaround time for image interpretations but ensured the client was served by only the best expertise.